Piano is my hobby. I'm not a professional pianist. I am a retired professor of biochemistry. I am fully aware of the imperfections of my piano playing. But music is my love.
I'm not a professional pianist. I am a professor of biochemistry. I learned to piano play only five years, fifty years ago. But I love music. Do not shoot the pianist
Als Hommage wiederholt ARTE ein ungewöhnliches Programm, das anlässlich des 200. Geburtstags von Franz Liszt im Jahr 2011 entstanden ist. Darin interpretieren Pierre Boulez am Dirigentenpult und Daniel Barenboim am Klavier gemeinsam mit der Staatskapelle Berlin Liszts zweites Klavierkonzert. Ergänzt wird das Programm von einem Werk Richard Wagners, dem "Siegfried-Idyll". Zum 200. Geburtstag von Franz Liszt fand beim „Klavier-Festival Ruhr“ 2011 nicht nur ein seltenes Gipfeltreffen statt, sondern auch eine aufregende und unerwartete Konstellation stand auf dem Programm: das Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 von Franz Liszt mit Daniel Barenboim am Flügel, dazu Richard Wagner, alles unter der Leitung von Pierre Boulez am Pult der Staatskapelle Berlin.
Die junge Münchnerin Alice Sara Ott tourt als Pianistin mittlerweile durch die ganze Welt. Für Griegs Klavierkonzert kehrt sie an den Ort zurück, an dem alles begann, sie ihre ersten großen Konzerte gab und viele Preise gewann: den Herkulessaal der Residenz in München. Erstmals musizierte sie am 15. und 16. Januar 2015 mit dem Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Am Pult stand ein skandinavischer Landsmann Griegs: der Finne Esa-Pekka Salonen. Ein Paukenwirbel und ein starker Orchesterakzent bilden den Auftakt zu Edvard Griegs Klavierkonzert a-Moll op. 16. Während seiner Studienzeit in Leipzig hörte Grieg Clara Schumann ein Klavierkonzert ihres Mannes spielen und war hellauf begeistert. Für Robert Schumann hegte er zeitlebens eine große Verehrung. Und so ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sein Werk hinsichtlich der melodischen Substanz und der gewagten harmonischen Verbindungen Ähnlichkeiten mit dem a-Moll Klavierkonzert Schumanns aufweist. Außerdem sind, für Grieg symptomatisch, durch das ganze Stück hindurch immer wieder Anklänge an die reiche Volksmusiktradition Norwegens herauszuhören, der er sich gerne bediente. Bald nach der Uraufführung 1869 begutachtete Franz Liszt, der bedeutendste Pianist seiner Zeit, das Werk und zeigte sich enthusiastisch. So ging es auch dem Publikum. Heute gehört es nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Werken Edvard Griegs, sondern ist auch eines der beliebtesten Klavierkonzerte überhaupt. Regie: Elisabeth Malzer Redaktion: Sabine Scharnagl Solist: Alice Sara Ott
Franz Liszt - Transcendental Étude 4 Mazeppa arranged for the first time for guitar by Ray Egea.
Your fingers should press the string with only enough force to produce the note cleanly, and no more. Start with the pressure needed to play a harmonic and slowly press until you can hear the note.
In the story, the cossack Mazeppa is punished for having an affair with a noblewoman. He is tied naked to a wild horse which is set loose. the music imitates the crazy galloping of the horse, and Mazeppa's endurance and suffering.
Regizor: James Lapine Scenarist: Sarah Kernochan Distribuţie: Judy Davis George Sand / Aurora Hugh Grant Frederic Chopin Mandy Patinkin Alfred De Musset Bernadette Peters Marie D'Agoult Julian Sands Franz Liszt Ralph Brown Eugene Delacroix Georges Corraface Felicien Mallefille Scurtă descriere: Divorţată de curând, baroana Lucile Aurore Dupin trăieşte la Paris sub pseudonimul George Sand şi este autoarea unor romane de dragoste senzaţionale. Obişnuind să poarte haine masculine, să fumeze ţigarete în public şi să aibă o mulţime de amanţi, ceea ce era de neconceput pentru o femeie în secolul al XIX-lea, George Sand a scandalizat societatea franceză a epocii prin comportamentul ei îndrăzneţ şi nonconformist. Îndrăgostită de muzica compozitorului Frederic Chopin chiar înainte de a-l cunoaşte în persoană, George Sand se autoinvită în casa de la ţară a ducesei d'Antan, o femeie cosmopolită şi snoabă, care organizează frecvent serate dedicate marilor scriitori, muzicieni şi artişti ai momentului. Blajinul şi bolnăviciosul Chopin este iniţial circumspect în ceea ce priveşte sentimentele de dragoste pe care i le mărturiseşte deschis George Sand, dar sfârşeşte prin a se simţi irezistibil atras de această femeie extraordinară, începe o relaţie amoroasă cu ea şi pleacă împreuna la Mallorca, în ciuda împotrivirii contesei Marie d'Agoult, amanta lui Franz Liszt, care este de asemenea fermecată de către Frederic Chopin şi ţese tot felul de intrigi menite să îi despartă pe cei doi îndrăgostiţi. Sursa: http://www.cinemarx.ro/filme/Impromptu-Impromptu-16948.html
The documentary Artur Rubinstein features historic film footage showcasing Rubinstein's playing of:
Mendelssohn's Spinning Song
Liszt's Liebestraum
Chopin's C# minor Waltz
Chopin's A Major Polonaise
In his house:
Chopin's F# minor Prelude
Chopin's C# minor Mazurka
Chopin's C# minor Scherzo
Chopin's F# minor Nocturne
Chopin's Ab Major Polonaise
In rehearsal with Heifetz and Piatigorsky, is, in my opinon, the greatest interpretation of Schubert's Piano Trio in Bb; although sadly only the first movement was taped. The Mendelssohn Piano Trio in D minor is also featured, in its entirety, and shows the excellent partnership these three players possessed.
Here I am playing Liszt's F minor etude. This was recorded in October, 2012. Not my greatest performance of this piece, but still okay.
This is one of my favorite pieces for the piano. It sparked my interest in in classical music and if it wasn't for this piece, I question whether I would even be playing piano right now.
Hope you enjoy!
This lush bio-pic of the brilliant composer and piano virtuoso Franz Liszt (Dirk Bogarde) depicts the great conflicts in his young life. Liszt has begun to tire of the oppressive demands of his current mistress, Countess Marie (Genevieve Page), who has given up her own life and young children to live with him despite a great scandal. Liszt prefers to flee to the adoration of the crowds and the concert stage, where he captures the attention of another adoring woman, the beautiful Russian princess, Carolyne (Capucine). Carolyne encourages Liszt to go into a sort of exile, so he can focus on his composition, while she awaits her divorce. Despite her great love for the composer, he is torn between his carnal passions, his religious devotion, and the demands of his artistry. The last film directed by Charles Vidor (who died before its completion, replaced by George Cukor) is a gorgeous spectacle photographed by the famed cinematographer James Wong Howe. Newly remastered.
From November 17th, 2010 on Limenmusic Web Tv (Channel 1) you’ll be able to enjoy a concert by the talented and renowed Japanese pianist Takahiro Yoshikawa. Only at www.limenmusic.com More info at www.limenmusic.info
2008 International Summer Music Academy
Academic Symphony Orchestra "Philharmonia"
Pianist: Edward Forstman (USA)
Conductor: Mykola Sukach (Ukraine),
Master-class: Yakov Kasman (USA) and Yuri Kot (Ukraine)
Edward Forstman at age 15 playing in Chernigiv, Ukraine. Unbelievable! Just enjoy this.
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Jean-Luc Pouchet Webdynamic World General Commander 2008-2011
MPS Auto Website Submitter 2.4
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Etude No. 9 in A-flat, "Ricordanza" is the ninth of the twelve Transcendental Etudes by Franz Liszt. It has wild but gentle cadenzas and demands delicate finger work. There are some areas with syncopation similar to ChopinâÃÂÃÂs Etude, Op.10, No. 3. This is a good introduction to Liszt's pianistic style. Ferruccio Busoni referred to this piece as "old, yellowed love letters".