Triumvirat Sea Across The Water
The debut album from this band is largely instrumental ( there are sparse vocals, but I found them tough to make sense of ) but the keyboard playing around which it largely revolves is largely unimaginative for the most part. Not that it's technically bad, but there are hardly any hooks to attract the listener and anything else to separate them from the vast sea of such bands that existed in that era. Some have described them as an ELP clone; I wouldn't go so far as to say that; but if somewhere were to compare both the bands' output, ELP would still win in most cases. That being said, I really liked their third song 'E Minor 5/9' from this record.
Todd Rundgren's Utopia Theme Live 2018
Todd Rundgren was exploring weird instrumental avenues, creating a warped, synth-fueled variation of prog rock. This wasn't the culmination of the weirdness A Wizard, A True Star initiated -- it was merely the beginning. Not long after completing Todd, Rundgren assembled Utopia, a prog rock group with no less than three synth players, plus guitar, bass and drums. Ostensibly, the band was a collective effort, with Rundgren contributing no more than the remaining quintet, but the possessive nature of the title of their debut, Todd Rundgren's Utopia, illustrates who the driving force of the group was. And it is true that TR's Utopia picks up where Todd left off, expanding the already lengthy experimental instrumentals by adding layers of synthesizers that stretch on forever -- which is no exaggeration, since only one track ("Freedom Fighters") is single-length, with the remaining three cuts clocking in between ten and thirty minutes. For anyone who isn't a dedicated fan, slogging through these seemingly endless prog excursions is a little tedious, and even the devoted may find that these roads, while occasionally interesting, don't necessarily lead anywhere.
I am singing my version of this song and playing the piano for the song called "Fire On Fire by Sam Smith" recorded through my microphone.
I had changed the key for this song to play it in the key of 'G' Major because the original key was too low for me.
This song is from the movie 'Watership Down' soundtrack.
I am singing my version of this song and playing the piano for the song called "Fire On Fire by Sam Smith" recorded through my camcorder.
I had changed the key for this song to play it in the key of 'G' Major because the original key was too low for me.
This song is from the movie 'Watership Down' soundtrack.