Life's Ways is about a life seen as full of possibility and therefore of uncertainty, and the struggle to make a path forward when there doesn't seem to be a clear beginning or a definite end. Any part of this video could be a beginning or an end. It is not a chronology of a life by events from birth to death, but is more interested in the details of moments in a life, pieces of youth, childhood, adulthood, nightmares, dreams, illusions, impressions, reflections, friendships, break ups, love, travelling, exploring, curiosity, happiness, and loneliness, the details of a life that propel it to door after door. This life has a door that is closed in a particular moment, but will become open in another. There is also a door that only opens with the right key. There is another door that is opened by someone on the other side, and so this life will go on. Life's Ways is interested by general states of being. It moves from careless happiness into one of exploration that is romantic and dreamlike. The flow shifts to uncertainty, adversity, fear and facing challenges, always building in order to get to a next set of doors. The life of this video is driven to keep going, neither hesitating nor rushing for long, always watching for the details in order to keep discovering, dreaming and exploring. Happy Canada Day! Take this video as an Inuksuk on the adventure of your very own! Thank you for watching.