You will need to download the movie file to watch this in a decent quality.
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes with all options enabled and 4x AA forced on in the driver control panel. This is a sight seeing video created from a series of "spur of the moment" videos.
Sadly, a good deal of quality has been lost. The text was clearly readable in the original video, and a sort of "soft blur" to the entire video is the result of compressing the original 7 GB of data. The colors are also not at all as crisp as they are "live". In other words, this doesn't hold a candle to the real thing.
Original videos were recorded in 1680x1050. This compilation video was created using Windows Movie Maker and selecting the 1080p HD option (which is obviously not HD as we can see here, but I don't know of a program that will make actual HD videos).