We can stop your foreclosure if you call in Time. If you know your going to miss payments, then call. Its our profession to stop your foreclosure! Stopping Texas Foreclosure one at a time. And if you take the advice we personal-finance types typically offer -- call the lender as soon as possible and ask for help -- you could find yourself stymied by the lender's bureaucracy or even told to come back when you are really behind in your payments. Call a Realtor It's Free. No Cost to Sell your Homes if you dont have any equity in the home. The lender will pay the fee. Its better for you and there no problem in asking for help. Facing foreclosure? 9 options
Don't bite off too much house
How not to pay your bills
How I lost my home: 3 stories
The foreclosure capital of the U.S.
Why lenders don't like foreclosure
To understand why these things are true, it helps to know a bit about the lending process, as well as what happens in foreclosure:
Most loans are made -- then sold. The majority of ...