So the all powerful super robot that the nu-world team built to be the peace keeper of nu-world has gone haywire and escaped to our earth and is carrying out his primary objective. That objective is to neutralize all weapons and threats. He knows no good or evil so anything with power or a weapon is considered a threat including our heroes. I've been really disappointed in this book. I had read a lot of hype about this story arch and I usually love Mark Millar's stuff so I was really excited to get into this one but it has been downright boring. There is none of the team dynamic that makes the FF great and not a lot or real action either. No super smart plans or gadgets or strategies to save the day, nothing of what makes the Fantastic Four great. They bring in 40 of marvels biggest guns and all they do is throw themselves at the robot and get swatted aside. There is now strategy or even dialog. Mr. Fantastic wasn't even in this issue which could be part of the problem and I get that all of this ...