Short animation to teach Welsh words Screening Introduction - What is my Animation About? My animation is called “Don’t Judge a Man by His Clothes” and features a school pupil who is bullied and is miserable. However he starts playing football and, after a bad start to the match, he scores a great goal and the other pupils are now nice to him. Across the animation, there are a number of simple Welsh words and phrases which viewers can listen to and learn to improve their knowledge of the Welsh language. These phrases are purposely simple as the animation was made for children and therefore more complex phrases would be too difficult to be learnt and viewer interest in the animation would be lost. There are five characters in the animation: the Child (main character), Bully 1, Bully 2, Bully 3 and the Slide Tackler. The three bullies are the characters who bully the Child at the start and celebrate with him at the end. The Slide Tackler is the character who slides into the Child during the football match to show that, even during the game, the Child is not liked by the other pupils. The animation was created using the Macromedia Flash MX software. This is a program used for creating short and simple animations and it uses ActionScript as its coding language. This enables interactive interfaces such as game development and navigation. The layout of this program is a frame by frame timeline which is a basic animation layout.