Developing a healthy body image is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy mindset. It all starts from how you think of yourself, and when it comes down to it, you must accept yourself for the person that you are.
It can surely be tough though. You're constantly being thrown images of people who are almost impossibly thin and this leads you to set unattainable goals for yourself. Since you can't reach these impossible goals, you can get easily discouraged. But there is good news!
Changing Your Self Image
The good news is that, with the proper drive, you can change the way you think about yourself. Accept your current situation and set goals for yourself that you can actually attain. This sets you up for success and a healthy, enthusiastic attitude as well.
Consider these steps on your path to change:
1. Accept yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and know that it is good. If you look in the mirror and hear the voice inside your head saying negative things about you, change the subject to something positive. You're a beautiful being and you should love yourself.
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