What do we really know about the expansion of learning time? While research has long supported a correlation between time and learning, we must ask what more we know today than we did in 1983 when A Nation At Risk was released. Are schools and districts really implementing a longer school day or year, and if so, how is the time being used? What funding structures exist to support the expansion of learning time? And what policies can support expansion of effective efforts?
Featured Panelists:
Gretchen Bueter, Principal, Grove Patterson Elementary School, Toledo, Ohio
Carmel Martin, General Counsel and Chief Education Advisor, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
Elena Rocha, Education Consultant
Marguerite Roza, Research Associate Professor, Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington
Moderated by:
Cynthia G. Brown, Director of Education Policy, Center for American Progress