I spent over a week making this one, the last one about 1 day/ 2 days. I love how well it came out but I don't think it is as good as LuluandAuron's version but it is still makes me smile :D. When I was rendering it, I couldn't think of a story line, I just threw loads of good clips together in groups. The first little section is on Misuzu, the next was on Kano and then after that was Kanna and I can put the story together by hoping them and the other Air characters rest peacefully. Reading back it does sound quite funny.
This is a dedication for Chelsea since it is her birthday tomorrow and I finished this at that time so I just had a thought. It is also dedicated to LuluandAuron, as mentioned earlier that I used her idea to make mine. It is also dedicated to my subscribers because now I have 10, but I love to get at least 100 :D. You may not notice but the description above and the video credits are made for youtube not for veoh.