MOONEYESホットロッドとカスタムショーは、カスタムカーとバイクカルチャーの愛好家にとって必見です、横浜のパシフィココンベンションセンターで菅沼茂とムーンアイズジャパンの人々が主催するショーは絶対に素晴らしいです、一日のイベントであることは忙しい一日になりますが、乗り物の質と多様性は驚異的ですので、それはよく費やされた時間です、 それは忘れられない経験です、あなたは何度も何度も戻りたいと思うでしょう。
MOONEYES Hot Rod and Custom Show is a must see for lovers of Custom Car and Bike Culture, the show hosted at the Pacifico Convention Centre in Yokohama by Shige Suganuma and the folks at Mooneyes Japan is absolutely amazing, being a one day event makes a busy day but the quality and variety of rides is phenomenal so it is time well spent, it is an unforgettable experience, you will want to return again and again.
Photographer, Videographer, Traveller, lover of all things automotive and Kustom Kulture, Cars, Bikes Art and Beautiful Women.
I have attended a lot of Custom Car and Motorcycle events in Various countries, I love to travel and to explore the wide world.
Photographer, Videographer, Traveller, lover of all things automotive and Kustom Kulture, Cars, Bikes Art and Beautiful Women.
I have attended a lot of Custom Car and Motorcycle events in Various countries, I love to travel and to explore the wide world.