Lights... Camera... Action! From the creators of Shaken...Not Stirred, they bring you this thrill ride of action, hilarity and.... tits? This critically acclaimed sitcom is centered around the off-screen antics of a student production team, behind the new and up coming hidden camera show; 'Up Yours!', presented by Hugo (Craig Thomson) and Rose (Ellie Fleur).
Luke (Elliott Wheatley), Claire (Paige Maxfield), Will (Dan Barby) and George (Ed Rusak-Plant) are all key members of the production team helping to finish 'Up Yours!' in time for the Channel 4 commisioner to arrive. Will 'Up Yours!' be a success? Or will the production team fail in their roles?
4th June 2009 - The Production Team was winner of Best Film at the Rawlins Film Showcase 2009!