In 1971, Gay Activist Alliance was the major gay activist group. When Herman Katz, City Clerk & head of the NYC Wedding Bureau heard an early LGBT-friendly Church, The Metropolitan Community Church, was holding ceremonies that they called "Blessing of Holy Union" for gay couples, Herman Katz declared "They don't call them 'gay marriages' but that's what they are and if they don't stop it, I'm going to crack down on them." In those days, the gay movement did not like the idea of copying heterosexual formulas for their relationships. However, they could not sit by while a public official threatened a gay church. They decided to take over the NYC Wedding
Bureau, throw an engagement party for two couples, give out free coffe & cake & invite all the civil servants working throughout the building into the party. They decided they didn't want to get arrested for this & would leave when the police finally showed up & asked them to do so. This is my unedited footage of the entire event which runs 47 minutes. I'll post shorter segments after editing, time permitting.