LG Electronics announced the LG-X120 Netbook at Mobile World Congress. You'll be able to access frequently used apps within five seconds of turning your computer on. The HTC Magic will be the second phone to sport Google's Android OS. It has some good features, but also a couple odd choices on their part. Sony's Cybershot DSC-T900 has intelligence built into auto mode. It's not supposed to take your photo if your eyes are closed and quickly adjusts to conditions. I think this has to be the coolest bluetooth headset out there. The Tapster has touch and gesture control for more intuitive use. TinyChat is a great addition to Twitter, events or family gatherings. For a more detailed explanation, click here. You can save money on domain name registrations and renewals from GoDaddy.com with discount codes GB1, GB2 and GB3. For an explanation of each code, click here.