I saw dewfrost upload one of these, so I thought, why not do the same? I thought it would be fun x3 Since my computer got wiped to destroy the virus I had on it, I made a new one.
I downloaded the font from dafont . com, and gave it some effects. I'm gonna be playing around with effects as much as I can this time around, because I think they give such a... feeling I guess you could say, to the video. It can make it more intense, sad, or in this case its supposed to be comforting XD
I love the moon and so I tried to send that message in the video, hence why I came up with the name "moonlight studios". Also, it may seem weird, but me and a friend liked to howl when we were at her grandmothers house which was in the boonies XD It was sooooo fun, but for me, howling is an adrenaline rush, and the moon is too. They just make me happy XD I know, that's so odd. I like smileys too! :D
The introduction will look different when making an AMV, like Moonlight Studios Presents: title here. I just made Moonlight Studios go through the whole thing cause I wanted to XD And I love the font.
ANYWAYS, what do you guys think? Too short? Too long? Opinions please.