Ice Cold Productions presents "The Need For Milk": where it shows how powerful milk can be as the main character survives in the world of bullying and uses Milk to overcome two mean bullies.
- Funniest YouTube Video Ever Made!
Songs used:
- Metallica - I Disappear Instrumental (Formerly Radicalz' WWF Theme/Metal Gear Solid Remix)
- Mission Impossible Theme
- Rocky Gonna Fly Now 2006 (Formerly original)
- Inner Circle - Bad Boys
- The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Theme
- Bus Stop - Kung Fu Fighting
MC Hoh stars, writes and directs this short video filmed in Spring 2000 for a High School project. The VHS quality deteriorates when moved to computer file which is why the audio was remixed in 2008. The Rocky 2006 mix and Metallica Instrumental was added while the other songs remained in tact. This is the 2008 Final Edit.