hey here is this weeks website writeup "sUPEREDS 400 weekly internet video" for nov 15 2014 titled "girl bands make me hOrny" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-o billed as the 10th most stRangest person on de internet puts together a short video with 76 pictures of girl bands with a song by the budget girls playing in the background enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 111514sUPERED I came across a facebook page with tons of girl band pictures … "girls bands make me hOrny" was born ….. I checked out some of the songs the girl band were doing and I really like the bass beat in the song I picked for this video it also has a neat- 0 hook to the song …type in "girl band pictures" in facebook to find your favorate girl band that’s all for now be good keep it real stay healthy have fun at no ones expense love each other and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED