hey veoh here is this weeks website writeup "sUPEREDS 309 weekly inteRnet video" for jan 12 2013 titled "sex violence humor" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-o billed as the 10th most stRangest person on de internet editeds 14 internet videos into 1 video about sex violence and humor enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 11213sUPERED i have a routine where i watch videos every sunday that are on de internet... i saw these videos that you all see in this video i edited the fat off of them and maDe a sUPERED video i want my fans to see these .. they are entertaining to me and i hope my fans will think the same thats all for now be good keep it real have fun at no ones expense love each other and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED veoh.com