The U.S. Department of Energy announced that Arizona will receive funding to accelerate domestic geothermal energy. The grants will support 123 projects from private industry, academic institutions, tribal entities, local governments, and DOEâÂÂs National laboratories. States like Nevada and California are discovering that not all renewable energies are free from environmental impacts. A method, called wet cooling, requires constant replenishment of water because of evaporation, and while the promise of cheap energy and more jobs from solar power plants is enticing, residents and local farmers are beginning to worry about their water supplies. Nissan is staying on the cutting edge of electric vehicle innovations with the promise of putting 65,000 lithium-ion batteries in cars next year. The Green Confidence Index will be the first comprehensive monthly tacking of consumerâÂÂs green attitudes and purchasing choices. The survey polls more than 2,500 people who represent the U.S. adult online population. To view more from the ladies please visit: