Medion announced their 24" Multi-touch All-in-One PC. It runs Windows 7, has a Core 2 Quad Q9000 processor, 4GB of RAM and a GeForce GT240M graphics card. Mobilzy brings augmented reality to your phone by overlaying turn-by-turn directions when you point your phone's camera at the road. It's still being tested before release. Sony's Daily Edition eBook Reader offers 3G wireless connectivity without a monthly fee, just like the Kindle. Unlike the Kindle, it'll natively read PDFs that you transfer via USB. It'll be available in time for Christmas shopping for $400. I finally got my pre-ordered Snow Leopard in today and have it installed on my MacBook Pro. I'll update you as I have a chance to play with it. You can save 12% on a account when you use my promo code GEEK.