It's funny how people wonder if they are average. Being average is not something to strive for. About 5% of
the world population controls 95% of the money. Why in the world would anyone want to be an average
Global Resorts Network affiliate.
The top dog in the home based business arena provides members with access to over 5400 resorts. Some say that U S based travel club membership company is nearing the 6000 count when it comes to resorts in inventory. Travel experts say that puts Global Resorts Network at a huge disadvantage in comparison.
Global Resorts Network founders looked to develop an opportunity in the home based travel industry a few years ago. They saw several programs selling travel agent programs and only one company offering a travel club membership program. Global Resorts Network (GRN) saw that the travel club membership offered by that organization lacked internet access to resorts and customer service among other things. The ...