We sat down with David Aferiat of Trade-Ideas.com at the Macelleria restaurant for lunch and an interview. What could be better on a Sunday afternoon than to chow down on some sicilian egg toast in truffle oil, espresso, and champagne while talking trading, automated trading, using Trade-Ideas? (Interview on Sunday, February 22, 2009)
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FINZ.tv: What Is Trade-Ideas?
David: Trade-Ideas is a market scanning tool. It uses technicals, it uses patterns and criteria that you set. Then, it presents all the stocks in real time that match that criteria, that match those parameters. So, you get a constant feed of ideas, of stocks that are matching patterns you want to look for. (For example) That pattern could be 30-day highs on higher than usual volume, it could be VWAP divergences, it could be sector divergences, it could be gaps, it could be anything. The robustness of the tool and the length of the alerts and filt...