| San Diego Hard Rock is hiring for all positions including VIP hosts, cocktail servers, bartenders and more. Today in San Diego nightlife news: Soon after Sweet water Saloon and Moonstone Lounge at Hard Rock San Diego closed down, owners of the Hard Rock Hotel San Diego asked Stingaree if they would host their guests while the Hard Rock bars were closed down. However Stingaree won't be keeping the Hard Rock's guest list for long. Hard Rock has since posted numerous ads on craigslist looking for hostess, bartenders, bar backs and of course a new VIP host. Today there was an open call for people looking for a job at Hard Rock San Diego and our sources say there was a line wrapped around the building. The bars will no longer be called Sweetwater and Moonstone Lounge. Also Andy Farnsworth, former host at Ivy, Side Bar and Keating, has confirmed that he will be the new VIP host now that the bars are under new management.