Jackie and Dunlap's War! On Neil Young continues with special guest Neil Young, The Liberal Dummy! Finally, questions are answered, such as:
Who would Neil Young rather have as President?
Is Neil Young high right now?
Was he high when he made Greendale?
Remember, CDs don't burn themselves. Jackie and Dunlap need your help! Go buy every single cd by Neil Young you can find, just clean out the stores, hell, if Best Buy doesn't carry 'em, try to find one of those hippie stores that sells used CDs and bongs. Hell, buy Landing On Water if you find it. Buy 'em up and send 'em on.
When they get a mailbox full, Jackie and Dunlap'll burn 'em up, tape it, and put it on the internet for you to enjoy. Remember, buy a bunch! We don't want no baby fire.