The Squad discusses the newly announced Call of Duty: World War II and what that means for the series, and how Battlefield will respond with their own franchises direction, Johnnie reviews, Persona 5 and Garrett kicks it old school with his trivia theme! Join us as we also discuss the Fox X-Men franchise and its huge lineup of 2018 films and Marvel's Phase 3 news. Joshua is still playing Zelda and Johnnie and Garrett break out some classic Aperture Science songs! Super Co-op Squad is a weekly talk show all about discussing gaming, comics and the movies and TV's show that spawn from them with unique perspective, from the minds of three very different gamers. SCS is a crew of three friends who love chopping it up about games and all the media they love and thought, "Hey, we do this all the time anyway so lets do it in a podcast!". Join the Super Co-op Squad as they talk about current gaming trends, upcoming titles, movies & more, and give their (mostly) unbiased opinions on everything from the current state of gaming to which Marvel and DC movies are best! Come and enjoy great banter between great friends about all the topics you love (and love to hate) each week!