I’m going to start off by saying that the game play in this montage is awful. Straight up, I have some garbage clips, so let’s get that out of the way early. I’m not the type of person that makes temporary accounts, then goes into multi team or some other social playlist to rack up Killionaires on bad kids. That’s not my style. I play to win and I am not a flashy player; I don’t get much “cut-worthy” footage, and the stuff I do get is passable at best. But if you can look past that, and watch this video for what it is, I think you will enjoy it. I make montages to entertain myself and hopefully, a few other people will feel the same type of way. I know there are many times when the clips could have been synced better to the music and the transitions could have been smoother. But I think that with each video I release, my skills as an editor improve slightly, I only hope others can see that and agree. This video is called Paradise Lost because originally, it was meant to represent what we as a community had lost in our youth playing XBL with our friends. However, when the MCC was announced, I tried changing the theme halfway through and that turned out to be a horrible plan. This montage was originally going to be 22+ minutes in length, however I did not have a sufficient and decent amount of clips to make that happen. So a good portion of this video was cut out, and that’s why nothing is going to make sense. On top of all that, my 360 broke about a month ago so I couldn't cap the angles I wanted to use. The concept, story, and idea I had wanted in the beginning did not come into fruition but I am still happy with the final product. Although I thought about scrapping the whole thing many times, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I love the process too much. Playing, recording, and editing are things I genuinely enjoy doing. I have passion for Halo and take pride in my work. And I hope you guys can see that in this video.