This is not my redemption Blindfolded you can't see this is a curse not a cure Save yourself from your saviour You find comfort in your illusions This is a curse not a cure I don't need any crutch to believe in myself I don't need anyone to define who I am This is your broken pride The pages burn and the words you built your life on to You are the flaunted you'll be the haunted No kings, no queens, follow the serpent and be your own saviour No kings, no queens, we make our own hell out of ourselves I've learned to sin without any regrets, I won't be led by doubt You are the plague, you are the contaminated I won't be led by doubt This is not my redemption This is your broken pride I am my own god I don't need anyone to define who I am I am my own god I don't need any crutch to believe in myself I am my own god I created my demons I am my own god Download the song here : Facebook : Youtube :