This will be the first of five (at least), subject to interruption by Mass For The Shut Out. And that's fine, we need that too. But this is a good topic to look at betwixt Samhain and Yule.
Did you ever wonder why some do so well spiritually, but for others it seems as if Jesus/The Goddess/Whoever just isn't picking up the voicemail messages?
Let's take a look at a reason why this might be. So many people complain that, where books are concerned there are so many primers and so few advanced texts, but what is an advanced text but a re-hashing of the primers. And here we go to some of the most basic of basics.
Know what's here, and you will be more advanced than most. It is called the "Witches' Pyramid," yet it can be found in any spiritual path where people expect the divine to actually do something in the here and now.
Four basic principles: To Dare, To Know, To Will, and To be Silent.