Battle For Britain Ourenglanduk Links UK & USA Anthony J Hilder This is the first edition video of . Anthony J Hilder on the west coast of the USA and Ferne in Southern England. This is a Transcontinental Triumph in that we now have the tools via the internet to have live interviews with people on both sides of the world. I suspect that the powers that be never intended this to happen, but now it is. In the past they depended upon the distance to keep information between continents from spreading in that techniques to manipulate us could be perfected in one location and then used on another location in the world and most of the bugs would already be worked out. Common Purpose in the UK, Agenda 21 in the USA. Neither side knows what they should know about the agenda on the other side of the world. Now we can teach each other over the electronic media about what is up in each country and be prepared for when it comes. Early warning will stifle the plans of the controllers and make it much harder for them to push their agenda. In the past it took years for the people to catch longer!!! Go to: This is the first website of its kind. Over the next few months we will add features that will be useful to you as a political activist. Videos will be a big part of the site, and user uploaded articles of news and research. Contact us at; Coming in the next few weeks will be where the common criminals masquerading as politicians and nondescript gray appearing but destructive groups will be featured. We will be having polls for the common criminal of the month.