The most popular reason you'll ever hear is its being cost effective. Since you will be having your own power generator, you'll be free from the suffocating charges of electrical bills. If you can't eliminate all of the costs, you can at least lessen the expenses. Similar to a solar or wind power generator, magnetic power is renewable thus it is never exhausted. Once you've had it set up, it will be able to generate free electricity for as long as it is in motion. That being said makes it an excellent source of electricity for every household. Though it may not be easy to device and get going, being able to end up making one that works definitely makes it indeed a fascinating concept.
But that's just it. The thought of how hard it is to make one and the time that you need to build it can be one of the reasons why a lot holds back from making one. Besides that, it is said that it doesn't even make as much electricity as everyone hopes it would be. For a magnetic power ...