ÃÂá¦â‰‰‰‰¬[Ãȇ¦ë]≉‰‰‡¦àSo the laptop got another virus on it the other day -_-; I've had such bad luck with viruses... These days when my laptop crashes and I lose all my data I just laugh..as opposed to the days where I would chuck the biggest Birkett, comparable with hurricane Carla or something...>.>; yeh... I'm one of those people who destroy everything in their path when p*ssed off. ANYWAYZ, I managed to restore a lot of the files on the laptop, but I havent been able to completely remove the virus, so for the time being I'm using my beloved XP, which, although it has barely any anime on it, turns out to have a pretty fast internet. Thus, I am now going to dl some new anime on here : D I found some dn angel episodes on here and I was playing around with them on vegas, and after completing scenes from 0:49 to 1:00, I decided I would defintely obtain the rest of dn angel and complete this amv - which I did...to an extent T_T; About the amv, I...I like it... I actually had a lot of fun making it, this song is kinda irritating but it went so well with dn angel and it was easy to improvise certain scenes (I changed a few scenes around so that Riku replaced Risa in the original). [x]-DN Angel [x]-Hey Juliet [x]-LMNT Disclaimer: This video is purely fan-made. I hold no ownership towards any of the visual/audio used in this video. All copyrights belong to the original Artists. ....why do my descriptions always become so majorly long? =_=;