While many of us would love to shed a few unwanted pounds, we lack a solid and consistent plan of action to help us get results. Instead, we fall into the category of becoming the casual dieter where we maintain a healthy diet or maybe even an exercise program for a bit of time but then due to lack of results or interest we go back to our more unhealthy ways.
Losing as much as 10 pounds of fat quickly is far from impossible but you have to follow some simple guidelines in order to make it happen and most importantly you need to be consistent with your plan. Below are five simple techniques that you can begin implementing today to lose 10 pounds quickly.
1. Be Active - Increasing your physical activity is the quickest and surest way to lose weight. I am not talking about just pacing while you're on the phone at the office but rather a true rigorous exercise program. This can include something as simple as 20 to 30 minutes of jumping jacks in your office if that's the only space you have to utilize.