Animated Sweet and Sassy Ms. Green, the only female M&M's spokescandy and Chris Harrison, Host of "The Bachelor" Celebrate the Mystique and Myths Surrounding The Green Ones
Step aside red and pink! The fabulous Ms. Green is bringing her colorful personality to the candy aisle this Valentine's season as M&M'S® proclaims green the new color of love. The flirtatious, sassy, and alluring live-animated Ms. Green (the first and only female M&M'S® spokescandy) talks about the myths, rumors and innuendo surrounding green chocolate candies.
Research has proven that chocolate induces physiological changes replicating the body's reaction to love, legend has it The Green Ones® are an aphrodisiac; rumors of their special powers have been circulating since the '70s. Retail establishments across the country will display limited edition all-green candies amidst the holiday's traditional sea of red and pink.