For those who are unaware, Nixon the CD-ROM was released in 1996 by Graphix Zone to serve as an enhanced CD version of the soundtrack of the film "Nixon" (1995). Alongside hosting a whole bunch of archival documents, one of the features of the CD-ROM is that Deputy Assistant to the President, Alexander Butterfield, narrates sections of it. Although Windows 10 refuses to play the CD-ROM, I was able to operate the CD-ROM on my end using both Internet Archive's Windows 95 Virtual Disk Image file and Oracle's VirtualBox.
Since this CD-ROM is all but inaccessible nowadays to the average computer user, this video serves as an archival video for the narration Deputy Assistant Butterfield provides. Aside from the opening narration and the Menu Icon narration, I changed the order of the rooms to one that flows from the President's offices, to the Tape Room, to the Selected Offices of his Subordinates, to the General Rooms. I intentionally placed the Situation Room last since its narration was not immediately accessible on the CD-ROM.
NIXON THE CD-ROM was produced by both GraphixZone and Cinegri Pictures.
Score's Resting Place, the brief song after the Press Room and before the Situation Room, was composed by Frogmask for the game 東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism.