The only difference between this theater and the regular one is the fact that they have leather seats and ushers available nearby so you don't need to wait in line to order a $5.00 bottle of water. I was happy with the fact that the armrests pull up so you can sit closer to your significant other. The movie theater armrests are always set too high and are annoying so I sucked it up and realized that it may have been worth the extra cash for this little amenity. Enough about that- let's get to the movie.
The house belongs to Oren Peli, the director of the film who lives there to this day. He claims that the house was always full of noises but does not attest to it actually being haunted. He claims that the house was settling and that he and his girlfriend replaced the floors and spruced the place up a bit. There was an occasional object falling to the floor and creaks characteristic of an old house but these circumstances were few and far between.Showtime BeyondParanormal Activity