When people delve into online MLM, frequently the first thing they are looking to do is generate free network marketing leads. But what are the most effective ways vs. ones that are all hype?
There are tons of techniqes that supposed âgurusâ spout out and some of them are very effective at getting free network marketing leads. Things like video marketing, social media marketing, forum marketing are all effective.
However, one method of getting free network marketing leads that has been around for years, and is still extremely effective is article marketing. Especially when combined with other techniqes that we talked about above. Here is a real life example of this in action.
One great way that article marketing to get free network marketing leads is to include links in your resource box to your own website. You can have these links lead to your main marketing website, lead capture page, or to your blog, and this is an awesome way to get backlinks to your ...