Improving pay equity would create substantial economic gains for women and their families. A new report found that women lose approximately $434,000, on average, over a 40-year period because of the gender wage gap. The gender wage gap is the annual difference in median wages between men and women who are employed full-time and it widens over time. Other studies show that moms, especially single moms, fare even worse with the gender wage gap.
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act are important steps to making sure that women are paid what they are worth by making it easier for women to recover lost wages due to bosses who discriminate and by requiring the federal government to be more proactive in preventing and battling wage discrimination.
But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is standing in the way of fair pay by opposing pay equity reform proposals in Congress that are needed to achieve pay ...