Let's Talk About Sex Part V - The Porn Identity -- Lust is a word that refers to any intense longing. We can lust after money. We can lust after success. Popularity. But in our culture today, lust generally refers to an intense longing of a sexual nature. And nothing in this great nation… nowhere in the western world is sexual lust described more succinctly than this one word: pornography.
No one sets out to get caught up in porn. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides they want porn to control their thoughts and urges for the day. And certainly, no one expects it to blossom into a full blown addiction… but it does. Pornography is the currency of our hyper-sexual society. It’s used to fulfill our darkest, most deviant fantasies, or to get a soccer mom to by a bottle of shampoo… “Yes, Yes, YES!”