TV has contributed more than any other single thing to the rapid demoralization and degradation of the world. It is a powerful demonic force designed to damn your soul. TV is not acceptable entertainment for Christians, infact it delivers a non-stop flow of sin, sickness and death directly into your home. The entire television industry is controlled by sodomites, drug addicts and antichrist people. They may dress nicely, smile, speak intelligently and convine you that they really care, but be not decieved they are nothing more than robots who work for the media beast! Behind the scenes they partake of every imaginable evil that is MODERN MEDIA, and when you watch TV you are condoning their sick perverted lifestyles. There is only one way to stop its influence and renounce its control over your life. GET RID of every televison you own today. Don't wait, KILL YOUR TELEVISION before it kills you! HOW TO STOP THE PLAGUE! THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THE PLAGUE IS TO REFUSE THE BAIT... SMASH THE TEMPTATION... THROW YOUR TELEVISION OUT THE DOOR, KICK IT DOWN THE STAIRS, THEN ASK GOD TO CLEANSE YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND OF IT'S FILTH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. DO IT TODAY! DON'T SIT BEFORE THE TV AND PRAY, BUT GET RID OF THE CURSED OBJECT, THEN GOD WILL HEAR YOU WHEN YOU PRAY AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR LIFE! JESUS CHRIST IS REAL! JESUS DIED TO SAVE YOU FROM THE POWER OF SIN! REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND ASK JESUS TO FORGIVE YOU AND WASH THEM AWAY WITH HIS BLOOD! IF YOU DIE IN YOUR SINS YOU WILL GO TO HELL! YOU CAN HAVE A NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST, ASK HIM TO COME AND LIVE IN YOUR HEART TODAY!