p://www.solarframeworks.com Innovator of the Coolply BIPV Solar membrane, an inventor of green roofing solar panels. Manufactures solar membranes for commercial & industrial roofs. Energy efficient solar panel roofing.SolarFrameWorks is a pioneer in BIPV, Building Integrated Photovoltaic technology. This state-of-the-art patented BIPV CoolPly commercial roofing system provides clean renewable energy manufactured in SolarFrameWorks solar-powered facility in Golden, Colorado. This BIPV CoolPly system is aesthetically-pleasing and functionally innovative. The rewewable energy solar panel system cools the roof and cools the solar modules in the summer. In winter, the cool roof insulates, offering heat loss prevention while optimizing power production & energy conservation.This system is manufactured with materials made in the USA.
Solar Frame Work is a female-owned manufacturing business located near the leading renewable energy research center: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Dr Patrina Eiffert, CEO of Solar Frame Works is a former employee of NREL. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of BIPV, holding patents in photovoltaic technology. BIPV CoolPly is just one product in Solar Frame Works Co. innovative product line of photovoltaic technology applications.