CapÂiÂtal Pride 1999 -â Clint CrÂishÂer backÂstage inÂterÂview priÂor to his perÂforÂmance of PerÂfect World at CapÂiÂtal Pride 1999 in WashÂingÂton, DC feaÂturÂing the DC CowÂboys. AfÂter movÂing to DC, Clint met Willie R Lewis and startÂed recordÂing house muÂsic. Their union formed a sound with an enÂerÂgetÂic beat that evÂeryÂone loved to dance to. For the next sevÂerÂal years Clint headÂlined at venues from New York City to MiÂaÂmi Beach. In June 1999, Clint reÂleased his deÂbut alÂbum, PerÂfect World with a 45 minute conÂcert at CLUB LIFE in New York City. The sinÂgle, PerÂfect World reached #7 on the TOP 100 MP3s in the UK.