Mike Gross, General Manager of the Harr Motor Company in Worcester MA, gives a testimonial about working with Potratz Partners Advertising and embracing modern marketing techniques through social media. Harr has turned their focus from traditional media outlets like radio, newspaper, and TV to internet branding through sites such as Twitter, Facebook and their own custom website built by Potratz Partners Advertising (
Through their new custom-built website, specific to the auto industry, they have received a great increase in customer interaction and communication. The custom website allows customers to ask questions, request appraisals, make offers, scheduling service appointments and interact in many other ways, all from the comfort of their own homes.
Both Facebook and Twitter have also established new ways for customers to get know the dealership through social media. Harr's Facebook page provides a great environment for past and future customers to get an idea of what's happening at the dealership and Harr's Twitter account allows updates to be sent out to thousands of potential customers instantly.
Potratz Partners Advertising provides new ways for car dealers to promote their business through social media and state of the art websites. This new type of marketing makes it easy for car dealers to find their customer base and to maintain positive relationships with their customers.
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