Why Order Flowers Direct Online From A Local Doncaster Florist?
By ordering direct from a florist shop in Doncaster for same day flower delivery locally in & around Doncaster you are guaranteed to receive the full value of your order in flowers. The only charge to pay is the local delivery fee.
This is important, because when you send flowers to Doncaster either locally or long distance through a relay system or intermediary service, you pay a commission to the sending florist, as well as a handling fee to the 'clearing house.'
The relay fee could be anything from £3 to £5+ and the sending florists' commission anything from 15% to 30% of your order value total. Then there are monthly admin fees and marketing levy charges to be taken into account, all of which have to come out of your flower delivery order total.
So, for instance, if you order £30 worth of flowers from a traditional relay service, you will actually pay from £33 up to £35 plus. Then £5 to £10 will be skimmed off your £30 flower o...