Dennis Kucinich For President 2008. Dennis outlines the Illusion of continuing War and the Vision of Peace we must have.
"What is happening to our nation? What is happening to our civil liberties? What is happening to our capacity for compassion, for empathy, for peace?"
"The world as it is being presented to us, this world which we are being told is a world simply of war, and to know that behind that illusion of war is another reality waiting to be called forth by our faith, by the quality of our vision, by our creativity we reach out and call forth that vision of Peace, that vision of Human Unity, that vision of interdependence and interconnection. We call it forth we name it we give it force, we give it presence and we create a new country and a new world from our own powerfull intention to create it! Come my friends it is not too late to seek a newer world!"
This is an exerpt from the "Dennis Kucinich For President 2008 Eugene Oregon 4-2-07" on Google video