What is the Stroop effect and why should we care?
The Stroop Effect is a widely studied phenomenon that looks at how the brain reacts when presented with conflicting information. In a Stroop test, the subject very quickly looks at a word and tells the tester what color the letters are.
It's ingrained in us, at a very deep level, to process the meaning of words, no matter what the color of the letters. It's an automatic, conditioned, ingrained, unconscious response.
The Stroop Effect is extremely difficult to overcome with conscious effort. There's not much you can do to change it, except...
With hypnosis.
Studies show that hypnosis can overcome the Stroop effect. In fact, Dr. Amir Raz, who helped conduct a study on hypnosis and the Stroop effect says..."This means that, using suggestion -- in this case post-hypnotic suggestion -- we were able to 'un-ring ' Pavlov's bell,"