"Christ is Coming" is from Euangelion International and our 3-16 Project. It is regarding Eschatology, or the so-called "end times" theology and the second coming (Parousia) of Jesus Christ. One of the many questions it looks at is whether his return is soon; and other important primers on the subject of eschatology. One aspect it does cover is part of the hermeneutic, or interpretive key, which looks at Revelation as such through the dominant theme that Christ Jesus is referenced as, "The Lamb," and thus a Good News, or redemptive understanding. If you would like to learn more about what we are doing, you can find us at http://iamsentme.net, or http://byhisstripeswearehealed.net, or http://euangelioninternational.com. Contact information is also available through these sites, including if one wishes to inquire about obtaining a DVD quality version of this video. (All copy right license information and permissions regarding clips, music, pictures, and sound effects are included in the final credits at the end of the video.) Thank you very much, and the Lord Jesus Christ be with and keep you.