Wisconsin-based Don Gorske ate his 25,000th Big Mac on May 17, 2011, 39 years after his first Big Mac bite on May 17, 1972.
He averages two Big Macs per day (yum) he doesnt like Burger King or Wendys and has 10,000 Big Mac cartons still in his possession. (Why?) He keeps two Big Macs in his luggage in case he cannot find a McDonald's (may need to see a shrink?) when he travels. Gorske believes he has drank over 200,000 Cokes along with his burgers.
Gorske's wife Mary (Winning) has convinced him to consume McDonald's parfaits since he does not take any vitamins and subsists mostly on Big Macs (we're a bit dubious of this suggestion as McDonald's parfaits have 21 grams of sugar per serving).
One Big Mac serving has 540 calories and 29 grams of fat. So, in total, Gorske has consumed about 13,500,000 total calories and 725,000 grams of fat from Big Macs.