John P. is back on the Brief. This guy is fascinating to us because he retired at a young age with enough money to do whatever he wants. He choose to spend time learning to do interesting things like forging knives out of steel, welding and the list goes on and on. He learned to use and bought a plasma torch. This thing cuts through steel like a hot knife through ice cream. We're not that gung ho about celebrating round numbers, but 500 seemed round enough to merit something special. It's kind of compounded by the fact that Neal and I celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary on Sunday, January 25th. I asked John if he would demo his plasma torch by cutting the GeekBrief.TV logo from a piece of steel. He did and it's wicked cool! Thank you guys for sticking around for 500 shows. Our goal is to keep the show cheesy, but constantly make it look better and better. By the grace of God and friendship of those of you who watch, it's 500 down and a few thousand more to go!