Co-op Marketing and Advertising:
co-op marketing & partnerships (interactive marketing content database)- How Dr.David Friedman uncovered how to generate $600000 a month in co-op advertising and marketing strategies.
Chews4Health is a Doctor formulated, delicious tasting chewable dietary supplement derived from an impressive array of rich nutrient sources from around the globe. A winning combination of science and natures finest containing 16 of the most powerful and exotic whole food ingredients.
Co-op Marketing Yields More Bang for the Buck
This is where the idea of co-operative ("co-op") marketing enters the picture. For years,Dr.Friedman has used this creative marketing technique to get the best results...
Dr. David Friedmans New company Launched on July 4th, America's Independence Day and is a crowning achievement having taken nearly 3 years to complete. The chews4health product is more convenient, more affordable and faster absorbed than anything else ...