They called it scary hill
They called it scary hill and we were all afraid
They called it scary hill and away is where we stayed
the sad misfortune of driving and dying on the road
You go to scary hill
You go to scary hill and join the other souls
Who make their dough collecting maple leaves as tolls
The maple sugar running through the streets like blood
Every Halloween
The adults would make a scene
the things we didn't see
that frightened me the most
grapes like eyeballs
witches making cat calls
but down on scary hill
There's some kind of ghost
do you know me
Yes I know you
Will you follow me
up the hill
what goes on there
who can say?
listen to the rustling
of the trees
Let's go to scary hill
Let's go to scary hill and build a wall of bricks
line the floor with maple leaves and the roof is made of sticks
what's the stuff they use to make sure bricks stay in their place?
and a car goes by
the hill's got scary eyes
don't take the corner fast
you'll end up in ...